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Hampton Dan
Наука, Образование, История, Техника, Транспорт и авиация


At the dawn of the Cold War, a band of WWII aces gathered in the Mojave Desert on a Top Secret quest to break the sound barrier. The true story of what happened in those skies has never been told.

Speed. In 1947, it represented the difference between victory and annihilation.

After Hiroshima, the ability to deliver a nuclear device to its target faster than oneȁ9s enemy became the singular obsession of American war planners. And so, in the earliest days of the Cold War, a highly classified program was conducted on a desolate air base in Californiaȁ9s Mojave Desert. Its aim: to push the envelope of flight to new frontiers. There gathered an extraordinary band of pilots, including Second World War aces Chuck Yeager and George Welch, who risked their lives flying experimental aircraft to reach Mach 1, the so-called sound barrier, which pilots called “the demon.”

Shrouding the program in secrecy, the US military reluctantly revealed that the “barrier” had been broken two months later, after the story was leaked to the press. The full truth has never been fully revealed — until now.

Chasing the Demon, from decorated fighter pilot and acclaimed aviation historian Dan Hampton, tells, for the first time, the extraordinary true story of mankindȁ9s quest for Mach 1. Here, of course, is twenty-four-year-old Captain Chuck Yeager, who made history flying the futuristic Bell X-1 faster than the speed of sound on October 14, 1947. Officially Yeager was the first to achieve supersonic flight, but drawing on new interviews with survivors of the program, including Yeagerȁ9s former commander, as well as declassified files, Hampton presents evidence that a fellow American — George Welch, a daring fighter pilot who shot down a remarkable sixteen enemy aircraft during the Pacific War — met the demon first, though he was not favored to wear the laurels, as he was now a civilian test pilot and was not flying the Bell X-1.

Chasing the Demon sets the race between Yeager and Welch in the context of aviation history, so that the reader can learn and appreciate their accomplishments as never before.

Адамово Яблоко — скачать книгу автора Балабченков Александр fb2 бесплатно без регистрации или читать книгу онлайн.

Hampton Dan
Наука, Образование, История, Техника, Транспорт и авиация


At the dawn of the Cold War, a band of WWII aces gathered in the Mojave Desert on a Top Secret quest to break the sound barrier. The true story of what happened in those skies has never been told.

Speed. In 1947, it represented the difference between victory and annihilation.

After Hiroshima, the ability to deliver a nuclear device to its target faster than oneȁ9s enemy became the singular obsession of American war planners. And so, in the earliest days of the Cold War, a highly classified program was conducted on a desolate air base in Californiaȁ9s Mojave Desert. Its aim: to push the envelope of flight to new frontiers. There gathered an extraordinary band of pilots, including Second World War aces Chuck Yeager and George Welch, who risked their lives flying experimental aircraft to reach Mach 1, the so-called sound barrier, which pilots called “the demon.”

Shrouding the program in secrecy, the US military reluctantly revealed that the “barrier” had been broken two months later, after the story was leaked to the press. The full truth has never been fully revealed — until now.

Chasing the Demon, from decorated fighter pilot and acclaimed aviation historian Dan Hampton, tells, for the first time, the extraordinary true story of mankindȁ9s quest for Mach 1. Here, of course, is twenty-four-year-old Captain Chuck Yeager, who made history flying the futuristic Bell X-1 faster than the speed of sound on October 14, 1947. Officially Yeager was the first to achieve supersonic flight, but drawing on new interviews with survivors of the program, including Yeagerȁ9s former commander, as well as declassified files, Hampton presents evidence that a fellow American — George Welch, a daring fighter pilot who shot down a remarkable sixteen enemy aircraft during the Pacific War — met the demon first, though he was not favored to wear the laurels, as he was now a civilian test pilot and was not flying the Bell X-1.

Chasing the Demon sets the race between Yeager and Welch in the context of aviation history, so that the reader can learn and appreciate their accomplishments as never before.

От адамова яблока до яблока раздора. Происхождение слов и выражений

Кто первым сказал: деньги не пахнут? Что такое панталык? Почему ветчина не бывает свежей? Какой смех называют сардоническим? Отчего простота хуже воровства? В книге читатель найдет ответы и на многие другие вопросы.Автор в доступной и увлекательной форме рассказывает о происхождении слов и выражений.Для широкого круга читателей.

На нашем сайте вы можете скачать книгу «От адамова яблока до яблока раздора. Происхождение слов и выражений» Храппа Вадим Вилюрович бесплатно и без регистрации в формате fb2, lrf, epub, mobi, txt, читать книгу онлайн или купить книгу в интернет-магазине.

Хорошая и нужная книга для тех,кто интересуется русским языком ,да и просто кому интересно»откуда что взялось»,особенно когда об этом вас спрашивают дети

5/5Годяев Михаил

Знание подоплёки происхождения крылатых выражений — один из признаков интеллектуализма


) проследить связь одного слова с другим не являясь филологом сложно (Карл и Царь к примеру — одно из самых простых сопоставление: из слова Карл произошло слово Царь)


Может, с помощью таких книг мы вернёмся к нормальному, красивому русскому языку, а не будем слышать и читать везде и всюду — «типа», «как бы» и тому подобное.

4/5Platinovaya Blondinka

Сначала библию прочитай, а уж потом на сайтах выставляйся

4/5Нормальлый чел

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